Thursday, May 7, 2020

National Identity Cards Essay - 614 Words

NATIONAL ID CARD EXECUTIVE SUMMARY After the September 11th attacks, the issue of making national ID card in the United States, Canada and other countries has restarted. After reading many articles, magazines, and skipping through lots of frequently ask question about nation General confirmed the black market in phony driver’s licenses exist in that state.† National ID card, I myself believe that national ID card will not only not stop terrorism, illegal immigrants but also create a form of discrimination and increase ID fraud. First, national ID card will not stop terrorism. The new national ID card will contain lots of personal information. Every tine we use the card, the information will appear in†¦show more content†¦Because most of the terrorists in the Sep 11th attacks are illegal immigrants, hopefully national ID card will help the government reduce the rate of illegal immigrant and catch terrorists effectively. However, Prerana Rajbhandari, a student at CU Denver, pointed out the violation of some businesses such as gas stations, construction sites in hiring illegal immigrants with cheap labor. Therefore, if most businesses keep hiring illegal immigrants, national ID card will not help at all in reducing the rate of illegal immigrants in this country. Third, in addition to the fact that national ID card will not stop terrorism and illegal immigrants, it will definitely create a form of discrimination and harassment in this country. The Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 required employers to verify the identity of potential employees and their eligibility to work in the U.S. The Act also imposed sanction for failing to comply with the verification requirements. Also, United States is the union of many different people from many different countries. If national ID card has been made, it will be used to track down illegal immigrants or terrorists, and anybody have a foreign-looking will be a reason for a suspect, a search or an arrest. Overall, national ID card will definitely create a form of discrimination in the United States. Finally, national ID card will not only create a formShow MoreRelatedNational Identity Cards and Citizens Right to Privacy785 Words   |  4 PagesThe article, â€Å"National Identity Cards Strange Liberty, Banish Privacy† by Charles Levendosky, implies that Identity Cards give us a false sense of security. The system would not prevent terrorists from using fake documents to get a national identity card and all citizens’ private information would be shared with government agencies and commercial organizations, therefore all personal information can be easily accessed through a computer system. 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