Monday, August 24, 2020

The Great Gatsby Review Film Studies Essay

The Great Gatsby Review Film Studies Essay Fitzgerald doesn't utilize a clear tone in the Great Gatsby, which leaves unanswered inquiries all through the book. Particularly toward the end where Gatsby is executed by George in view of the passing to his significant other in a fender bender. It have been said that it was a yellow regal royce which ran over Myrtle. Hence, George thinks it is Gatsby who caused the mishap, in spite of the fact that it was Daisy who drove the vehicle. Despite the way that it is just Nick, Gatsby, Daisy and evidently Tom, who realizes that it was Daisy in the driver's seat, Tom exploits and accuse the mishap for Gatsby to a baffled and upset George. In the entire, this leaves us dubious and inquisitive with the inquiry, who is the most liable for Gatsbys demise? In any case, George contributes a significant job to Gatsbys demise and is ethically capable since he eventually pulled the trigger. It is a pity that George was misled by the impropriety of the rich, anyway murder is an improper demonstration and George didn't reserve an option to get a shot through Gatsbys head, regardless of what the conditions. As I would see it, George ought to have let equity and follow all the way through by letting the police handle the circumstance. By the by, he pulled the trigger and hence George is to some extent and ethically liable for Gatsbys passing. Notwithstanding Toms issue with Myrtle and his squealing on Gatsby, he can be ethically accused for the homicide. Tom was the person who slandered to George and told it was Gatsbys vehicle that hit Myrtle, anyway he didn't specify that it was Daisy driving. In spite of the fact that it was never legitimately demonstrated that Tom realized that Daisy was in the driver's seat, we get an understanding of Toms information since they leave town the day after the mishap. Notwithstanding, the auto collision was by all account not the only incitement that gave George goal to murder Gatsby, yet in addition his impression of Gatsby being the one having the illicit relationship with his better half. Tom took advantage of his lucky break and exploited to get free for his wrongdoing and guided it to Gatsby. In general, this made himself considerably more ethically inaccurate and consequently, is Tom obviously reasonable assuming the fault by adding to Gatsbys demise. There is no denying that Daisy is additionally an option to the add to Gatsbys passing. She then again, assumes a moderately significant job and can be put ethically answerable for it as a result of her awful conduct. She is playing youthfully with Gatsby and make the most of their mystery undertaking as long as possible. In any case, when the connection among Gatsby and Daisy got convoluted, Daisy clearly traps back to Tom which was secure, leaving Gatsby sorrowful. All things considered, it was the auto crash which drove all the more legitimately to the passing of Gatsby, when Daisy murdered Myrtle in the driver's seat and fail to stop. Because of the profound love that Gatsby has for Daisy and his longing to secure her, he owned up to assume the fault for the mishap. Besides, Daisy acknowledges these conditions without any questions and laments, and therefore, she hides her blame and permitted Gatsby to be killed. Notwithstanding Daisy and her imprudently bit of leeway of Gatsbys profound love for her, she is ethically dependable in light of the fact that this drove legitimately to the demise of Gatsby, George, in his lamenting fog, makes an association between Gatsbys vehicle and his wifes disloyalty and starts to seek after his doubts and hears, erroneously, that Gatsby was driving the vehicle when in truth it was Daisy who was in the driver's seat and answerable for the demise of Myrtle. Gatsby himself told nobody that it was not he who was driving, so as to guard Daisy from the repercussions. The untruths and misleading statements told by the majority of the characters paving the way to this point detonate in a horrible and at last trivial disaster. The entirety of the characters add to Gatsbys demise, escpecially Daisy since he adored her and she didnt need to leave Tom for him. The way that Tom is engaging in extramarital relations with Myrtle adds to Gatsbys demise in such a case that it werent for the issue, Gatsby would have never been associated with Myrtles passing. Everyones ravenous gets for the American Dream was the reason for Gatsbys demise. Numerous characters were capable, to a limited extent, for the demise of Jay Gatsby, the principle character of The Great Gatsby, composed by F. Scott Fitzgerald, however each to their own degree. Tom Buchanan, a rich individual from a socially strong old family, played a minor and generally aberrant job in the demise of Gatsby. Daisy Buchanan, an excellent socialite wedded to Tom, egotistically utilized Gatsby to better herself no matter what, one of those being Gatsbys demise, at the same time, in spite of the fact that she was straightforwardly mindful, she was not generally answerable for the passing of Gatsby. Gatsby himself was generally liable for his own passing by aimlessly doing anything he needed to win over and ensure Daisy. Tom Buchanan assumed a generally minor job in Gatsbys demise. Tom is a man whom Gatsby sees as exceptionally inconsequential, a minor hindrance in his approach to Daisy. When Gatsby was off at war, disregarding Daisy and powerless, Tom à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢ ¦came down with a hundred people, in four private cars,(82) and he blinded her with cash and economic wellbeing, something that Gatsby didnt have at that point. Daisy wedded Tom before long and they had a youngster together. Gatsby doesn't consider Tom to be a danger since he doesn't accept that Daisy had ever cherished Tom. In any case, Daisy loved Tom, and she keeps on adoring the cash and economic wellbeing that goes with the marriage. Tom and the kid are what keeps Daisy from forever being with Gatsby. On the off chance that Tom were nowhere to be found, Gatsby would have Daisy, and there would be no contention prompting Gatsbys demise. Tom, just by being hitched to Daisy, assumes a job in the demise of Gatsby, however that job is min or and aberrant. Daisy plays an increasingly significant and direct job in Gatsbys passing than Tom. Daisy is exceptionally egotistical and poor. She generally needs to feel cherished and significant, and she will effectively feel that way, regardless of whether it harms others. Daisy was particularly infatuated with Gatsby preceding his takeoff for the war, and she kept on adoring him up to her big day, where she was found à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢ ¦drunk as a monkey㠢â‚ ¬Ã¢ ¦with a letter in the other [hand],(81). It was a letter from Gatsby. She didn't figure she could proceed with the marriage since she despite everything cherished Gatsby. She married Tom, unfit to focus on Gatsby, claming that, Rich young ladies dont wed poor young men, (139). Daisy was consistently out to better herself at the expense of any other individual. Because of Toms issue with Myrtle, Daisy was feeling undesirable and disliked, so it was practically normal for her to acknowledge the profound love of Gatsby. She was just out t o play around with Gatsby, with no genuine responsibility. She didn't understand, or neglected to recognize, how profound Gatsbys love was for her. She messing with it adolescently, getting a charge out of it for as long as could reasonably be expected. Be that as it may, exactly when it got confused, she fell back to what was secure, leaving Gatsby and coming back to Tom. All the more legitimately prompting the passing of Gatsby was the fender bender. Daisy executed Myrtle Wilson while driving Gatsbys vehicle and fail to stop. Gatsby, because of his profound love for Daisy and his longing to ensure her, owned up to fault for the mishap. Daisy, with no lament, acknowledged these conditions, and she took into account Gatsby to be killed instead of concede her blame. Daisy, via recklessly exploiting Gatsbys profound love for her, legitimately prompted the demise of Gatsby. Jay Gatsby himself was the most answerable for his own passing. Daisy was the main lady whom Gatsby had adored, and he committed as long as he can remember to getting her back after the war. Gatsby was pitifully sentimental and profoundly infatuated with Daisy. He purchased his amazingly pompous house basically to be opposite Daisy. He tossed luxurious, unimaginably cost parties, with the exceptionally sentimental idea that Daisy would ponder in to discover him with all his cash and force. He trusted that he would deeply inspire her, and it would be much the same as it was before he went off. He based as long as he can remember around his affection for this one young lady, who, sadly, didn't restore that adoration. Gatsby gave Daisy all he could, however Daisy utilized it just to better herself. Gatsby neglected to understand that Daisy was an act of futility. He neglected to understand that she was not what he had imagined her to be. Basing his life around something that was so unst able was extremely sentimental, yet in addition truly flippant. He would do anything for Daisy, putting her before himself no matter what, which was in the end his life. In particular, Gatsby assumed the fault for the auto collision, wanting to ensure Daisy, despite the fact that clearly jeopardizing himself. Gatsbys way of life was truly reckless; he subscribed to things that were eccentric, in the long run prompting his demise. Gatsby could have effortlessly maintained a strategic distance from death by keeping away from a wedded lady, and, in the event that he was unable to live without Daisy, he could have evaded passing by having some control when it came to Daisy. For Gatsby, it was win or bust, and it was that way of life that murdered him. Numerous characters in the novel The Great Gatsby, composed by F. Scott Fitzgerald, assumed jobs in the passing of Gatsby, yet none more noteworthy than the job Gatsby played himself. Gatsbys pitifully sentimental way of life was generally answerable for his demise, undeniably more mindful than Daisys egotistical activities or Toms nearness.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

UNit 8 Written Assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

UNit 8 Written Assignment - Essay Example The customers rights include: to be persistently served in the administration of his business; to be educated regarding its encouraging, and; that his guidance will not uncover what has been expertly trusted to him. (Gather, 2007) The term observer is characterized as one who can give a firsthand record of something seen, heard, or experienced. (Collect, 2007) A model is â€Å"a observer to the accident†. For lawful purposes, an observer is :One who is approached to affirm under the watchful eye of a court; One who is approached to be available at an exchange so as to bear witness to what happens; One who signs ones name to an archive to authenticate its legitimacy and a validation a reality, explanation, or occasion. (Earn, 2007) The underlying meeting is, obviously, the one unit of administration that is steady over all types of lawful assistance conveyance. It is additionally one of the most basic units of administration. The underlying meeting: (1) shapes customer view of the legal counselor; (2) characterizes the administration to be given as far as both issue and objective; and (3) is a significant open door for customer training, for example classification, considerable lawful rights, what the customer can accomplish for oneself, and the need to safeguard proof. (Alfieri 1991) In numerous cases the underlying meeting may in actuality be the most critical correspondence before result determinative occasions, for example, hearing or settlement. The obligation of classification exists to rouse customer trust and brief openness. To accomplish these reasons, customers ought to be educated about secrecy at the very start of the relationship. The most significant an opportunity to raise lawyer customer secrecy is the point at which you begin posing inquiries, and offer the accompanying example explanation: The observer isn't met similarly as the customer. The observer doesn't have privacy securities, in this manner they are

Friday, July 24, 2020

APA Ethics Code Guidelines for Ethical Behavior

APA Ethics Code Guidelines for Ethical Behavior More in Psychotherapy Online Therapy In This Article Table of Contents Expand The APA’s Code of Ethics The Five Ethical Principles Ethical Standards Ethical Code Violations Ethical Considerations Ethics are an important concern in the field of psychology, particularly as it relates to therapy and research. Working with patients and conducting psychological research can pose a wide variety of ethical and moral issues that need to be addressed. The APA ethics code provides guidance for professionals working in the field of psychology so that theyre better equipped with the knowledge of what to do when they encounter some type of moral or ethical dilemma. Some of these are principles or values that psychologists should aspire to uphold. In other cases, the APA outlines standards that are enforceable expectations. The APA’s Code of Ethics The American Psychological Association (APA) publishes the Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct which outlines the aspirational principles as well as enforceable standards that psychologists should use when making decisions. The APA first published their ethics code in 1953 and it has been continuously evolving ever since. The current version of the ethics code, which introduced the distinction between principles and standards, was developed in 2002 and later amended in 2010 and 2016. The APA code of ethics is composed of key principles and ethical standards. The principles are intended as a guide to help inspire psychologists as they work in their profession, whether they are working in mental health, in research, or in business. The standards, on the other hands, are expectations of conduct that can lead to professional and legal ramifications when violated. As Nicholas Hobbs, who served as an APA president and head of one of the committees that designed the standards explained, the purpose of the code is not to keep unscrupulous people out of trouble. It serves as an aid to help ethical psychologists make real-world decisions in their daily practice. The code of ethics applies only to work-related, professional activities including research, teaching, counseling, psychotherapy, and consulting. Private conduct is not subject to scrutiny by the APAs ethics committee. The Five Ethical Principles Not all ethical issues are clear-cut, but the APA strives to offer psychologists guiding principles to help them make sound ethical choices within their profession. Principle A: Beneficence and Nonmaleficence The first principle of the APA ethics code states that psychologists should strive to protect the rights and welfare of those who they work with professionally. This includes the clients that they see in clinical practice, animals that are involved in research and experiments, as well as anyone else with whom they engage in professional interaction. This principle encourages psychologists to strive to eliminate biases, affiliations, and prejudices that might influence their work. This includes acting independently in research and not allowing affiliations or sponsorships influence results. Principle B: Fidelity and Responsibility The APA also suggests that psychologists have a moral responsibility to help ensure that others working in their profession also uphold high ethical standards. This principle suggests that psychologists should participate in activities that enhance the ethical compliance and conduct of their colleagues. Serving as a mentor, taking part in peer-review, and pointing out ethical concerns or misconduct are examples of how this principle might be put into action. Psychologists are also encouraged to donate some of their time to the betterment of the community. Principle C: Integrity In research and practice, psychologists should never attempt to deceive or misrepresent. In research, deception can involve fabricating or manipulating results in some way to achieve desired outcomes. Psychologists should also strive for transparency and honesty in their practice. When deception is used in research (which may involve the use of confederates as participants or not fully revealing the true nature of the research), psychologists must make efforts to mitigate the effects. This type of research deception must be justified and the possible gains must outweigh potential drawbacks. The use of deception should be minimal, not result in distress, and be disclosed at the earliest possible opportunity. Controversial and Unethical Psychological Experiments for Reasearch Principle D: Justice In it’s broadest sense, justice relates to a responsibility to be fair and impartial. This principle states that people have a right to access and benefit from advances that have been made in the field of psychology. It is important for psychologists to treat people equally. Psychologists should also always practice within their area of expertise and also be aware of their level of competence and limitations. Principle E: Respect for Peoples Rights and Dignity Psychologists should respect the right to dignity, privacy, and confidentiality of those they work with professionally. They should also strive to minimize their own biases as well as be aware of issues related to diversity and the concerns of particular populations. For example, people may have specific concerns that are related to their age, socioeconomic status, race, gender, religion, ethnicity, or disability. Ethical Standards The 10 standards found in the APA ethics code are enforceable rules of conduct for psychologists working in clinical practice and academia. These standards tend to be broad in order to help guide the behavior of psychologists across a wide variety of domains and situations. They apply to areas such as education, therapy, advertising, privacy, research, and publication. Resolving Ethical Issues This standard of the APA ethics code provides information about what psychologists should do to resolve ethical situations they may encounter in their work. This includes advice for what researchers should do when their work is misrepresented and when to report ethical violations. Competence It is important that psychologists practice within their area of expertise. When treating clients or working with the public, psychologists must make it clear what they are trained to do as well as what they are not trained to do. This standard stipulates that in an emergency situation, professionals may provide services even if it falls outside the scope of their practice in order to ensure that access to services is provided. 20 Different Types of Psychologists and What They Do Human Relations Psychologists frequently work with a team of other mental health professionals. This standard of the ethics code is designed to guide psychologists in their interactions with other professionals in the field. This includes guidelines related to dealing with sexual harassment, discrimination, avoiding harm during treatment, and avoiding exploitive relationships (such as having a sexual relationship with a student or subordinate). Privacy and Confidentiality This standard outlines psychologists’ responsibilities with regards to maintaining patient confidentiality. Psychologists are obligated to take reasonable precautions to keep client information private. However, the APA also notes that there are limitations to confidentiality. Sometimes psychologists need to disclose information about their patients in order to consult with other mental health professionals, for example. While there are cases where information is divulged, psychologists must strive to minimize these intrusions on privacy and confidentiality. Advertising and Other Public Statements Psychologists who advertise their services must ensure that they accurately depict their training, experience, and expertise. They also need to avoid marketing statements that are deceptive or false. This also applies to how psychologists are portrayed by the media when providing their expertise or opinion in articles, blogs, books, or television programs. When presenting at conferences or giving workshops, psychologists should also ensure that the brochures and other marketing materials for the event accurately depict what the event will cover. Record Keeping and Fees Maintaining accurate records is an important part of a psychologist’s work, whether the individual is working in research or with patients. Patient records include case notes and other diagnostic assessments that are used in the course of treatment. In terms of research, record keeping involves detailing how studies were performed and the procedures that were used. This allows other researchers to assess the research and ensures that the study can be replicated. Education and Training This standard focuses on expectations for behavior when psychologists are teaching or training students. When creating courses and programs to train other psychologists and mental health professionals, current and accurate evidence-based research should be used. This standard also states that faculty members are not allowed to provide psychotherapy services to their students. Research and Publication This standard focuses on ethical considerations when conducting research and publishing results. For example, the APA states that psychologists must obtain approval from the institution that is carrying out the research, present information about the purpose of the study to participants, and inform participants about the potential risks of taking part in the research. Assessment Psychologists should obtain informed consent before administering assessments. Assessments should be used to support a psychologist’s professional opinion, but they should also understand the limitations of these tools. They should also take steps to ensure the privacy of those who have taken assessments. Therapy This standard outlines professional expectations within the context of providing therapy. Areas that are addressed include the importance of obtaining informed consent and explaining the treatment process to clients. Confidentiality is addressed, as well as some of the limitations to confidentiality, such as when a client poses an immediate danger to himself or others. Minimizing harm, avoiding sexual relationships with clients, and continuation of care are other areas that are addressed by this standard. For example, if a psychologist must stop providing services to a client for some reason, psychologists are expected to prepare clients for the change and help locate alternative services. 5 Types of Mental Health Professionals Who Can Provide Psychotherapy Ethical Code Violations What happens if a psychologist violates a standard in the APA ethics code? After a report of unethical conduct is received, the APA may censure or reprimand the psychologist, or the individual may have his or her APA membership revoked. Complaints may also be referred to others, including state professional licensing boards. State psychological associations, professional groups, licensing boards, and government agencies may also choose to impose sanctions against the psychologist. Health insurance agencies and state and federal payers of health insurance claims may also pursue action against professionals for ethical violations related to treatment, billing, or fraud. Those affected by ethical violations may also opt to seek monetary damages in civil courts. Illegal activity may be prosecuted in the criminal courts. If this results in a felony conviction, the APA may take further actions including suspension or expulsion from state psychological associations and the suspension or loss of the psychologists license to practice. Ethical Considerations in Psychology Because psychologists often deal with extremely sensitive or volatile situations, ethical concerns can play a big role in professional life. Key Ethical Issues Client Welfare: Due to the role they serve, psychologists often work with individuals who are vulnerable due to their age, disability, intellectual ability, and other concerns. When working with these individuals, psychologists must always strive to protect the welfare of their clients. Informed consent: Psychologists are responsible for providing a wide range of services in their roles as therapists, researchers, educators, and consultants. When people are acting as consumers of psychological services, they have a right to know what to expect. In therapy, obtaining informed consent involves explaining what services are offered, what the possible risks might be, and the patient’s right to leave treatment. When conducting research, informed consent involves letting participants know about any possible risks of taking part in the research. Confidentiality: Therapy requires providing a safe place for clients to discuss highly personal issues without fear of having this information shared with others or made public. However, sometimes a psychologist might need to share some details such as when consulting with other professionals or when they are publishing research. Ethical guidelines dictate when and how some information might be shared, as well as some of the steps that psychologists should take to protect client privacy. Competence: The training, education, and experience of psychologists is also an important ethical concern. Psychologists must possess the skill and knowledge to properly provide the services that clients need. For example, if a psychologist needs to administer a particular assessment in the course of treatment, they should have an understanding of both the administration and interpretation of that specific test. A Word From Verywell While ethical codes exist to help psychologists, this does not mean that psychology is free of ethical controversy today. Current debates over psychologists’ participation in torture, the use of animals in psychological research, and the use of conversion therapy remain hot-button ethical concerns.

Friday, May 22, 2020

Womens Suffrage What You Need to Know

The womens suffrage movement was one of the defining social movements in the modern world. A forerunner to contemporary feminist movements, the suffrage movement focused on obtaining the right to vote for women. Ultimately, the movement succeeded in 1920 with the ratification of the 19th Amendment, but this accomplishment, while groundbreaking on paper, still faced many barriers and inequalities in practice. Whos Who in Womens Suffrage Who were the people involved in working to win the vote for women? Here are some handy resources to learn more about these suffrage workers: A list of those who were key in working for the vote for women: Womens Suffrage Biographies and Top 10 Womens Suffrage Activists When: Timelines of Womens Suffrage Key events in the struggle for womens suffrage in America: Timeline of Woman Suffrage When did women get the vote? Prior to the passage of the Nineteenth Amendment, which gave women the constitutional right to vote, some states had already passed laws granting women the vote. Wyoming was the first, passing a law in 1869. The amendment itself was passed in Congress in 1919 and reached ratification in 1920. However, this wasnt the end of the road: even after ratification, there were legal challenges, and many women across the country were still kept from the ballot box by other measures and legal loopholes. American State-by-State Suffrage TimelineInternational Suffrage TimelineWho Was the First Woman to Vote? How: How Womens Suffrage Was Fought for and Won Overviews: Long Road to Womens SuffrageWomens Rights and the Fourteenth AmendmentThe Progress of Fifty Years (1893)August 26, 1920: The Day the Suffrage Battle Was Won Seneca Falls, 1848: First Womans Rights Convention In 1848, the Seneca Falls Convention brought together women to discuss the social, civil, and religious condition and rights of women. Many historians consider this the formal beginning of the womens rights movement. The convention most famously discussed the suffrage movement, but also included discussions of other issues of interest to women. Seneca Falls ConventionDeclaration of SentimentsWe Now Demand Our Right to VoteSeneca Falls Resolutions Later 19th Century United States v. Susan B. Anthony (1872-73)Minor v. Happersett (1872-74)Fourteenth AmendmentWomans Journal 20th Century Womens Suffrage Turning Points 1913 - 1917Brutal Treatment of Women Suffragists at Occoquan WorkhouseAugust 26, 1920: The Day the Suffrage Battle Was Won Womens Suffrage - Basic Terminology Womens suffrage refers to the right of women to vote and to hold public office. The womens suffrage movement (or woman suffrage movement) includes all the organized activities of reformers to change laws that kept women from voting or to add laws and constitutional amendments to guarantee women the right to vote. Their efforts culminated in 1920 with the ratification of the Nineteenth Amendment, which states, The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of sex. Womens suffrage movements occurred in other countries around the same time, albeit often with property qualifications, age restrictions, or other loopholes. Youll often read about woman suffrage and suffragettes -- here are some clarifications on those terms: Suffrage: where does this word come from?Suffragette  - is this the correct term to use for those who worked to win the vote for women?Woman or Women?  - which term, womens suffrage or woman suffrage is the correct one for the movement and its goal? What: Suffrage Events, Organizations, Laws, Court Cases, Concepts, Publications Major womens suffrage organizations: American Equal Rights AssociationAmerican Woman Suffrage AssociationNational Woman Suffrage AssociationNational American Woman Suffrage Association Original Sources: Documents of Womens Suffrage Seneca Falls Declaration of Sentiments (1848)Woman and Her Wishes (1853)The Progress of Fifty Years (1893)Suffering Suffragettes (1912)Two Suffrage Movements (1912)Why Women Should Vote (about 1917) Test Your Knowledge Check out how much you know about the womens suffrage movement with this online quiz: Womens Suffrage Quiz And learn some fun facts:  13 Surprising Facts About Susan B. Anthony

Thursday, May 7, 2020

National Identity Cards Essay - 614 Words

NATIONAL ID CARD EXECUTIVE SUMMARY After the September 11th attacks, the issue of making national ID card in the United States, Canada and other countries has restarted. After reading many articles, magazines, and skipping through lots of frequently ask question about nation General confirmed the black market in phony driver’s licenses exist in that state.† National ID card, I myself believe that national ID card will not only not stop terrorism, illegal immigrants but also create a form of discrimination and increase ID fraud. First, national ID card will not stop terrorism. The new national ID card will contain lots of personal information. Every tine we use the card, the information will appear in†¦show more content†¦Because most of the terrorists in the Sep 11th attacks are illegal immigrants, hopefully national ID card will help the government reduce the rate of illegal immigrant and catch terrorists effectively. However, Prerana Rajbhandari, a student at CU Denver, pointed out the violation of some businesses such as gas stations, construction sites in hiring illegal immigrants with cheap labor. Therefore, if most businesses keep hiring illegal immigrants, national ID card will not help at all in reducing the rate of illegal immigrants in this country. Third, in addition to the fact that national ID card will not stop terrorism and illegal immigrants, it will definitely create a form of discrimination and harassment in this country. The Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 required employers to verify the identity of potential employees and their eligibility to work in the U.S. The Act also imposed sanction for failing to comply with the verification requirements. Also, United States is the union of many different people from many different countries. If national ID card has been made, it will be used to track down illegal immigrants or terrorists, and anybody have a foreign-looking will be a reason for a suspect, a search or an arrest. Overall, national ID card will definitely create a form of discrimination in the United States. Finally, national ID card will not only create a formShow MoreRelatedNational Identity Cards and Citizens Right to Privacy785 Words   |  4 PagesThe article, â€Å"National Identity Cards Strange Liberty, Banish Privacy† by Charles Levendosky, implies that Identity Cards give us a false sense of security. The system would not prevent terrorists from using fake documents to get a national identity card and all citizens’ private information would be shared with government agencies and commercial organizations, therefore all personal information can be easily accessed through a computer system. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Ethics and Ethical Behavior Free Essays

Ethical behavior in the workplace helps a company ensure that every employee is able to perform there duties in and safe and comfortable environment. When a company set-up procedure to help with work ethics there are three important things to consider; understanding of diversity so that the employees understand the difference between ethics and cultural acts, the next to consider is an open door policy so that employees will be able to discuss ethical behavior with the company, and third is a place that the employee can go in confidence to report unethical behavior. Ethical procedure should be general and relates to all employees without causing ethical issues dealing with race, religion, or gender. We will write a custom essay sample on Ethics and Ethical Behavior or any similar topic only for you Order Now The procedure should be in place to address unethical behavior as stated in laws and regulations. Human resources is the department that will be the handler in the company for ethical behavior and to make sure that all employees are treated equal. The price for a lawsuit in an ethical case is more than taking the time to make sure the procedure are in place and that all employees are trained in ethical behavior. Many companies take the time to train employees on ethical laws for the industries that they are working in when they first join the company. As we have seen in the news unethical behavior among employees in a company can cost the loss of investors trust. Each department in a company ethics might be different, finance tracking cost and how revenues are tracked, where equipment and tooling money is showing in the financial reports. For a purchasing department how dollars are collected from suppliers, or kickbacks that are usually not allowed in a company. The most common employee taking money, so with ethical issues like this a confidential hot line is usually established for an outside company to be called and by an employee to snitch on employees who are doing unethical things in the company. What ever procedure that a company might have you must make sure that there is a way for any ethical behavior to be reported and death with the most confidential and legal way. How to cite Ethics and Ethical Behavior, Papers

Monday, April 27, 2020

Things fall apart

The expectations and qualities of an Ibo hero There were some outstanding attributes for which the Igbo people expected their hero to have. One of them being, a strong leader. Okonkwo however in the beginning of the novel seems like a weak individual. Reason being he seemed to battle with the fear of failure (Achebe 16). Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Things fall apart specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More As a child growing up, he did not quite have a father who to say the least he could look up to. However, this was no excuse for him not to move forward. Instead, he should have sought for help from the village counselor so he could be able to let the past be the past. In addition to this, towards the end of the novel, he commits suicide due to the fact that he has no followers when it comes to dealing with the missionaries. To the Ibos, a hero’s prominence was highly up held in accordance to what he had ach ieved as an individual (Achebe 3). This therefore multiplied Okwonkwo’s thirst of getting more and more involved in the activities within the community. It did not matter whether what he did was good or bad. For instance, he got involved in the killing of Ikemefuna even after being warned not to. On the other hand, most of the clan elders were proud of him for doing so. This was basically because he was upholding the ancestral traditions. The community expected their leader to always live up to what he says. This is probably the reason why Okwonkwo, never changed his mind over certain issues even when it was clear that he was going to lose the battle. A good example being, to fight against the missionaries. Comparison of an Igbo hero and Okwonkwo’s imagination of one Okwonkwo’s perception of a hero was a selfish one. This is evident when he went out of his way to grab as many titles as he possibly could no matter whom he had to hurt along the way. Just like Ache be puts it, â€Å"Okwonkwo’s fame rested on solid personal achievement† (3). Ever since his father brought dishonor to the family, his most important desire was to prove to the whole community that he was much better than his father. He would moderate his drinking habits more so; he would do his best to bring up his son in a much better family setting than his father did. Furthermore, the idea of a hero to him was one who was one who was sexist. He believed that the woman has very little placed in not only the family but in the community as well. More often than not, he would equate anything weak or frail to a woman and anything strong and energetic to the man. He hated the weak people in his community and especially those who were afraid of taking on a task. At some point, he suggested that his own son, Nwoye was a woman like (Achebe 4). Masculinity was meant to be expressed through violence according to Okwonkwo.Advertising Looking for essay on literature lang uages? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More It is good to note that a hero was meant to abide by the community laws. Okwonkwo did this by allowing the clan elders to exile him to another village as a punishment. Reason being that he had beaten his wife during the week of peace. By agreeing to leave the community while being a leader was a way of being a good role model. People are separated by successes and failures to a large extent Clearly, Okwonkwo had to be exiled for his failure to practice self-control. Having beaten his wife during the week of peace, he had to leave his family and his followers in the community to another village. In real life situations, the people who go against the law commonly referred to as criminals are normally locked up in cell. Some have had to be transferred to cells outside their own country depending on the level of crime they committed. For instance the Guantanamo bay in Latin America, which has bee n used to correct criminals from across the world. In another instance, Okwonkwo decided to commit suicide reason being he could not fight the missionaries alone and his son had already converted to Christianity. This especially broke his heart because he could not understand how his son could disobey him and dutifully obey what the missionaries taught him. Therefore in the form of death he got separated from his family and the community as a whole for neglecting change. In modern society there is a common saying that â€Å"change, before change changes you.† This means that there are things we simply cannot run away from and we just have to adapt. Nwoye, Okwonkwo’s son on the other hand understood exactly what he wanted from life. He would make crucial decisions despite is father’s critics and lived up to them. He converted to Christianity and later on attended the school that was set up by the missionaries. This way, he became enlightened on the various aspec ts of life including gender equality. Due to his conversion his father began disowning him but he did not give up. But we have a little of each As humans, we all have our own flaws, no one is perfect. Okwonkwo, might have treated the women in his disrespectfully by beating them up and so on. However, he loved his daughter Ezinma and at some point wished he was a boy (Achebe 61). Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Things fall apart specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Maybe she could have inherited her father’s leadership and property as well. Okwonkwo also loved strong men who stood their position in whatever decisions they made. This is basically why he was angry at the clan elders when he came from exile and found that almost the whole community had converted to Christianity. Given the advancement in technology and the very fast rate of globalization, many people live carelessly to say the least. This is due to the rate at which people are getting infected with certain diseases and taking part in gruesome immoral acts. However, at the end of the day most people believe in a higher power or belong to some sort of religion. This signifies the two sided life of humans. In reference to the novel, Okwonkwo knew that the culture of killing people was wrong but he went ahead and took part in it despite being warned. In addition to this he was took part in the clan’s religious and spiritual events. The Igbo community despite allowing wife battering had very few instances where the women would be assigned some important duties. Some of them being educating the young ones, telling them stories as well as painting the houses of the egwugwu (Achebe 84). Undoubtedly, the Igbo community valued the women in some aspects of community building hence they would not only gain respect from the egwugwu. Work Cited Achebe,Chinua. Things fall apart. United Kingdom: William Heinemann Ltd. 1958. This essay on Things fall apart was written and submitted by user Mckenzie Y. to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.